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- @2{Imagine Tutorial : The Big Bang!
- @3
- }By Richard Martin
- @4
- For my first batch of Imagine Tutorials I am going to have a look
- at the special animation effects that AF did not mention. I have
- detailed rotate - so lets get on to explosions:-
- @3
- What you need:-
- @1
- Imagine 2.0
- About 2 Meg (Despite what AF say Imagine is USELESS to 1 Meg owners
- - it won't even load on my A500)
- A Strong Hate for Blitz Basic II (???)
- @5
- Overview:-
- ----------
- @4
- In this tutorial I am going to blow something up. No - please
- don't leave I am not a Pyscopath! I am going to blow up the thing
- I hate most in the world (sorry second worst thing in the world!).
- Yes you guessed it Blitz Basic.
- @4I was going to blow up Acid Softwares base but then I wouldn't get
- Guardian for my A1200 , so the word Blitz will have to do. Oh by
- the way the thing I hate more than Blitz Basic is Rolf Harris - he
- just drives me insane (wibble!):-
- Ohhh haa wibble can you guess what it is yet! Hey hey its RolfaRoo
- wibble wobble sunarise early in the morning waltzing matilda tie me
- rolfaroo down sport tie me rolfaroo down.
- Err ahem! Anyway I bet Rolf Harris wrote Blitz two - its just as
- hard to understand Blitz 2 as it is Rolf Harris (Oh! Remember that
- new AZ policy of not slagging off other peoples laungages! - Ed)
- Sorry, err Rolf if you are reading I was only kidding (he says as A
- Rolfaroo points a doouble barrelled shotgun at his head ) . I seem
- to be getting side tracked into doing an Amiga Power review. My
- appologies:-
- @3
- Stage 1: Sort out a new project
- --------------------------------@4
- Go to the project editor and make a new project. Call it Boom or
- Blitz Boom or (IHATEROLFHARRISANDBLITZ.imp). New go to the detail
- editor as we are going to make our nice new object.
- @4Goto to the functions menu then select add->font object then select
- a font. Try not to use a well fancy font as it will cause faces to
- overlap. Basic fonts work well like Zap. A load of them are on
- the AZ Supplement disk 3. I used Zhotshot which is a CG font.
- When it says add faces click on yes. Select your new font and go
- to Objects -> Mold. No click on Extrude and a length of 35.
- Select O.K. So far we have a nice little text block saying Blitz.
- Go to Object -> Attributes and click on texture 1 and select
- Angular. Leave it as default and save the object.
- @3
- Stage 2: Setting the scene.
- ----------------------------
- @4
- Now go to the action editor. Click on No frames and change it to
- 15. Load in the Font object and add a light source. With info
- selected go to global and select starfield density: 0.06000. Go
- to add and starting at frame 2 and ending at frame 15 select FX/1
- and then load Explode (from the disk with objects on you got from
- the AF cover or with imagine). Fill in the requester as follows:-
- @1
- Start frame:2 End Frame: 15 Explode axis: X
- Distance: 100. Expansion angle: 45 : Scaling: 1 : Min Rotations: 1
- Max Rotations: 3.
- Leave the last two boxes uncrossed.
- @4Go to the stage editor and reposition the camera and scale the
- object so you can see it all in the view. Make sure you have
- "Camera View" selected. All well? Good. Now move the light
- source slightly above and infront of the font. Make sure you are
- working on frame 1 by the way. Once this is done lets render it.
- @3
- Stage 3: The render
- -------------------
- @4
- Open a new sub project. Leave it as it is apart from change the
- file format to Iff-ilbm 12 and the screen size to the preset ham
- (320*256) using the presets. It is set up as RGB so change it.
- There is no need to use AD-Pro then to convert the image. select
- range and render then go downstairs (or next door). Make a cup of
- tea and watch MoonRaker or the A-Team (as they are on for the
- umpteenth time) and come back in 30 minutes when you should have 15
- very nice stills from the anim. Using Main Actor (reviewed
- elsewhere) string them together and play using a viewer. View is
- perfect.
- @5
- Conclusion:
- -----------
- @4
- This anim does to Blitz what I have been meaning to do for months
- (blow it up) but as well as playing it in front if Blitz Owners
- (again and again) it can easily be modified. Try changing the
- method from Spherical to Radial. This will change the effect as it
- will blow out wards from the centre. By changing a couple of
- values look at the effect. The best way with Explode is to
- experiment.
- @1
- Richard.